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Rome 2 Province Guide

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Rome 2 Province Guide

imperator rome province guide, rome 2 province guide, rome 2 province building guide, rome 2 dei province building guide, rome 2 dei province guide

Also note that not every building can be built on capitals/minor cities Mar 14, 2018 'Please note this is an unofficial video and is not endorsed by SEGA or the Creative Assembly in any way.. For the purposes of this guide, I shall refer to the two armies present at the start of the game by their originally-given Legion numbers.. Below you'll find two sample Roman provinces: Italy focused on recruiting new troops and Magna Graecia generating high income.. Latium, Sicily, Greece, and Africa are most likely going to be the richest provinces you'll have access to as Rome for a good part of a campaign with a good part of the budget or the rest just going to support their control but those provinces built up bring in multiple thousands and can support several legions by themselves.. Should you wish to get started on attacking Carthage before heading to Cisalpine, then the guide should hold true for the first 5 turns, as well as various building and technology instructions later on. 1

imperator rome province guide

Legio II starts near Roma, and will be used to attack Vetathri Legio I will (force) march north into Italia in order to recruit some Hastati and make for Ariminum, before being used to tidy up any pesky Etruscans still in the area.. For instance, a food province is easier to establish in regions like Corsica et Sardinia, because it's a 2 settlement province and Alalia is a fish settlement.. Epirus will be too tied up in a war against Sparta (and 9/10 times Athens too) to take advantage of the relatively light forces guarding Magna Graecia.. In the mean time, all images are HTML thumbs- click to enlarge Before startingThe objective is to gain the rest of the province Italia within the first 5 turns or so, followed by working on Cisalpine Gaul in the medium term. Click

rome 2 province guide

Comments? Questions? Visit the thread in the thread in the Guides and Articles Forum.. It'll detail the first 5 turns, and provide guidelines up to around turn 10 Some things will start to differ in your play through- the identity of the conqueror of Epirus for one, or where Etruscan armies will scatter to after you take their settlements- but these opening turns should follow the same rough track.. Your main threat will be rouge Etrsucan armies striking at lightly defended cities in Italia- to combat this a Legio III will eventually be formed near Rome.

rome 2 province building guide

A good wealth province can be anything that produces industry related or commerce related stuff. ae05505a44 4

rome 2 dei province building guide

This guide has been written and tested on Very Hard difficulty and under Patch 3 conditions, but will be updated upon patch releases.. For more information on Total War, please visit www Nov 20, 2013 Total War: Rome 2 Most Overpowered Builds Guide.